Hi, besides the CG journal I’m working on a scientific biography with huge person and locality indexes (named Person and Locality for the examples). In many cases, the author wants additional information in the index, e.g. \Locality{Altona (Hamburg)} \Locallity{Breslau (pol. Wrocław)} or \Person{Arends, Katharina (née Schoemaker)} \Person{Wilhelm II. (Kaiser)} Now, I need that consistent and I don’t want to type these complicated entries every time. I’m looking for a good way to handle this – maybe a lookup table in Lua, so that \LookupPerson{Willy II} would call a Lua function that returns \Person{Wilhelm II. (Kaiser)} ? Or is there already something in place that I overlooked, like \OverwriteIndexEntry{Hraban}{Ramm, Henning Hraban} ? Hraban