VnPenguin wrote:
----------- begin code ---------------------------- \starttext \starttabulate[|l|l|] \NC foo \NC cmd 2>&1 | grep bar \NC \NR \stoptabulate \stoptext --------------- end code ------------------------------
When I changed "&" by "\&" I have the same error. Anyone could tell me how to fix it please.
Your code has another special character besides the ampersand (&); it is the 'pipe' (i.e. | ). If the pipe is taken away, the file compiles perfectly. I very recently found out that having 'mismatched' pipes *really* makes a mess - and of course I messed up in a text with table code and it took me ages to figure out that there was nothing wrong with my table and the problem was my stupid pipe. I had to fiddle with your "greater than" sign, too, after I got the file to compile at all (and there might be an easier way), but this compiles into nice healthy pdf on my TeXLive: -------------- start code ----------------------------------- \setupoutput[pdf] %remove this line if you don't want pdf \starttext \starttabulate[|l|l|] \NC foo \NC cmd 2 \type{>}\&1 \type{|} grep bar \NC \NR \stoptabulate \stoptext -------------- end code -------------------------------------- Hope this helps! Mari