Thanks again, Hans. I believe Hans Hagen said this around Sun, 9 Feb 2003:
this is a tricky thing
go into m-graph.tex and change the # into \# into the inclusions section
(in tex #'s are always kind of problematic, esp in expansions and macros)
Now the key definition is: \appendtoks % @# is X_ or Y_; $ is Gxcvlin_ or Gycvlin_; l and h are numeric or string % It would not be OK to set (@#low,@#high) to a pair expression because $ might % try to rescale @#low when evaluating the right-hand side for @#high. vardef Gsetr_@\#(suffix $)(expr l, h) = Gclbnds_@\# ; if @\#ctyp>0 : @\#low = if abs @\#ctyp<>log: $ fi Mlog_Str l ; @\#high = if abs @\#ctyp<>log: $ fi Mlog_Str h ; else : -@\#high = if abs @\#ctyp<>log: $ fi Mlog_Str l ; -@\#low = if abs @\#ctyp<>log: $ fi Mlog_Str h ; fi enddef ; \to \MPinitializations Which works on at least one machine. The other one where I'm rebuilding my tex installation (long story) with the new tetex binaries is still coming up with blank MPpages, but I'm 95% sure that's a different issue.
normally this should work ok. This piece of code will be removed in due time, john hobby made this patch and it will be available in future plain mp files.
Right. Thanks for clarifying it and reminding me where the code stands. adam -- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Adam Lindsay +44(0)1524 594 537 atl@comp.lancs.ac.uk http://www.comp.lancs.ac.uk/computing/users/atl/ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=