Hello Aditia, thanks for reaction. I simply want to write "%APPDATA%\file.txt" and the same into the footnote, with ability to use the text "%APPDATA%\file.txt" without any substitution (like "%" -> "\letterpercent") - if possible. My attepmts with \text or \asciimode fail: ---- \starttext \type{%APPDATA%\file.txt} \footnote{% %\type{%APPDATA%\file.txt} %\asciimode{%APPDATA%\file.txt} } \stoptext ---- Even plays with %\catcode\commentasciicode=\othercatcode %\catcode\backslashasciicode=\othercatcode don't give the desired result. So - is there a simple way how to get strings with "%" and "\" (which represent a path on Windows) into footnote? Best regards, Lukas On 2019-11-02 16:35, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
Why not just use asciimode?
To understand why \footnote{\type{...}}} doesn't work, you need to understand TeX's "digestive system". \type{...} (and asciimode) work by modifying the catcode tables. However, they are are used inside a footnote, the argument of \footnote is parsed according to the catcode table which is active when footnote is passed. Under the default catcode table, % is a comment, so when you type:
\footnote{\type{*\$% }}
the argument of \footnote is `\type{*\$}`
So, if you want \footnote to "see" the %, you need to activate a catcode table where % is a letter. So, the simplest solution is to use \asciimode.