On Tue, Sep 4, 2018 at 10:26 AM luigi scarso <luigi.scarso@gmail.com> wrote:

On Tue, Sep 4, 2018 at 10:23 AM be ba <be3737ba-s@student.lu.se> wrote:
The wiki says I should ask again one week later if I did not get an answer.
Could someone please help me with my problem. Thanks.

meeting time, quite busy, but 
today at 15:45 we have a "Brainstorming session" on tables

In tabl-xtb.mkvi (xtables)
% todo:
% - yes or no: foregroundstyle/color <- style/color
% - template alignment
% - maybe split horizontal (a la linetables)
% - before/after and wrapping (linecorrection)
% - maybe also some before/after commands
% - maybe correction when non float usage
% - tagging needs to be checked
% - maybe only tag the box
% - scale to fit
% - buffers permit verbatim but are not always handy
