Am Dienstag, 02.03.04, um 00:59 Uhr (Europe/Zurich) schrieb Nikolai Weibull:
You need the printed manual for the TaBlE package, which will suggest something alone the lines:
Hm, and this manual has to be ordered? No downloads?
No, and it's really expensive. (Sort of dongle for the TaBlE package...) see http://www.pctex.com/ Gilbert van den Dobbelsteen wrote 1998:
The TaBLe manual is sold seperately by PC-TEX. It is quiet expensive and also comes with the TaBLe package itself.
The complete package costs $69
Since I use the table macros very often, I bought it, it costed me $69 plus $20 shipping. It's a good manual with lots of examples, which aren't very abvious if you just read the source-file table.tex
There's a promotion at the moment! See http://shop.store.yahoo.com/pctex/maclimprom.html Grüßlis vom Hraban! -- http://www.fiee.net/texnique/