On Tue, 17 Nov 2009, luigi scarso wrote:
from pack-rul:
\else\ifx\localwidth\v!broad \boxhaswidthtrue \!!framedwidth\hsize \else\ifx\localwidth\v!local \boxhaswidthtrue \setlocalhsize \!!framedwidth\localhsize
use \framed[width=local] and don't forget \setlocalhsize after \startitemize. yes, right. I remembered of something similar That's what I mean with not sure that \hsize and \startitemize must
On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 12:24 AM, Wolfgang Schuster
wrote: play well together \showframe \starttext \framed[width=\hsize,align=middle]{width=hsize\the\hsize} \startitemize \setlocalhsize \item \framed[width=\hsize,align=middle] {width=hsize,hsize=\the\hsize} \item \framed[width=broad,align=middle] {width=broad,hsize=\the\hsize} \item \framed[width=local,align=middle] {width=local,hsize=\the\hsize} \item \framed[width=\localhsize,align=middle]{width=localsize,hsize=\the\hsize,localsize=\the\localhsize} \stopitemize \stoptext
Aditya, what do you think ?
I did not know about width=local (and therefore wanted width=broad to behave like it). Given that, I think that broad behaves just fine. These differnt options need to be documented better. Aditya