On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 5:06 PM, Mohamed Bana <mbana.lists@googlemail.com> wrote:
i had no idea that the free ver. of minion pro came with small caps an od st nums.
I don't think its really free. If you download, you will be told so:
Note: The Font Pack software contained in this package is being licensed to you solely for use with Adobe® Reader® software ("Adobe Reader") and is subject to the terms and conditions of the electronic End-User License Agreement accompanying your version Adobe Reader.

thanks for the link.

Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Hi all,

something interesting from the XeTeX mailing list.

Dear all,

I've noticed that there a lot of decent, free Unicode fonts available,
some of which have interesting OpenType features to play with with
XeTeX. I've put together the following PDF as a general guide and would
like any suggestions or comments from the list. The PDF can be
downloaded from:




- --
Gareth Hughes

Department of Eastern Christianity
Oriental Institute
Pusey Lane