On 22 jun. 2012, at 12:48, Wolfgang Schuster wrote: You should also know that each xtable cell is a framed (it uses the \framed code) like natural tables and \setupxtable accepts the same arguments as \setupframed. I knew already, which is what me did develop the macros. No need to give complete examples, I think. The intention was to give you an impression of the solution, just in case you should be curious. Using a macro argument for the \setup.. is meant to apply this code to both xtable and framed. The workings of parameter spaceinbetween on \startxtable remain a mystery to me. Can someone enlighten me? It inserts a space between each row, the amount of space is the same as \blank[…] would insert. Do I conclude correctly that the dimension of the space is fixed to what \blank[] does? I experimented with various values, but did not get much out of it. I’m sorry but I was wrong, the “spaceinbetween” value isn’t passed to \blank but context expects here something like “spaceinbetween={\vskip <dimension>}”. I can send a patch to Hans because a internal blank would be allow you to write “spaceinbetween=1cm” or “spaceinbetween=2*line”. I would very much appreciate that. It seems most natural to have a dimension here and thenit will work in the same manner as columndistance. Thanks in advance. Hans van der Meer