Hi, I am trying to use the Cardo font with superior figures. But somehow these seems to work differently here than with other fonts: ==================== \definefontfeature[default][default][ onum=yes, pnum=yes, ] \definefontfeature[f:newstyle][onum=no,pnum=no] \definefontfamily[cardo][rm][Cardo] \definefontfamily[libertine][rm][Linux Libertine O] \starttext \setupbodyfont[cardo] 12345 {\feature[+][f:superiors]12345} 12345 {\feature[+][f:newstyle]\feature[+][f:superiors]12345} \setupbodyfont[libertine] 12345 {\feature[+][f:superiors]12345} 12345 {\feature[+][f:newstyle]\feature[+][f:superiors]12345} \stoptext ==================== Why is it that I have to manually disable onum and pnum with Cardo for sups to work? (Note: Cardo is a ttf font, Linux Libertine O is a otf) By the way, what is the correct way to define a new font feature for superios? (VerticalPosition=Superior; sups=yes; VerticalPosition=Superscript ...) Best, Denis