I have been studying the Details manual and have found that many of the examples presented there do not work correctly with the current or recent betas. The ones I have tested work correctly on texshow and with the Texlive 2011 (MkIV Luatex) version. 1. In the first example below (based on Details p. 25), note that the graphic is positioned very high relative to the paragraph, although vertical space appears to be reserved correctly: %%-------------------- start ----------------------------------%% \starttext \setupfloat[figure] [sidespacebefore=none,sidespaceafter=none,sidealign=depth] \input tufte\par \placefigure[inner,none]{caption}{\framed[height=3cm]{graphic}} \input tufte\par \stoptext %%------------------------ stop -----------------------%% 2. Figure position in the second example below (Details p.65) is similar, but an empty box is placed instead of the figure: %% -------------------------- start ------------------------- %% \starttext \showboxes \definelayer[text-1][position=yes] \defineanchor[rightbottom][text-1][location=lt,hoffset=max,voffset=max] \definefloat[myfigure][figure] \setupfloat[myfigure][sidespaceafter=,sidespacebefore=] \defineanchor[rightbottom][text-1][location=lt,hoffset=max,voffset=max] \input tufte\par \placemyfigure [left,none] {} {\anchor[rightbottom] {\externalfigure[dummy][width=5cm,frame=on]}} \input tufte\par \stoptext %% ----------------------------- stop ----------------------%% -- Peter Park Nelson peter.park.nelson@gmail.com