2 Jan
2 Jan
3:22 p.m.
Hello again, I would like to nest a table inside a table, something like this: \starttable[|c|c|] \NC {\bf ATout Choeur} \NC {\starttable[|c|] \NC Number 2008--1\FR \NC january 2008\LR \stoptable}\MR \NC {\tfa Something} \NC \LR \stoptable but 1/ I would like the top of the first cell of the first row to be aligned with the top of the second one (which contains the nested table); 2/ it seems that it does not work when the layout is set up with "grid=yes" If the answer to the second question is "Effectively, it can't work in such a layout", what could be a way of obtaining what I want? As always, any hint would be greatly appreciated Many thanks to all -- Yvon Henel