Hi list, I'm playing around with blocks and buffers again, realizing that I cannot use them inbetween a \start...\stop that I defined myself. Apparently, they work between \startsection...\stopsection and the like, so I was wondering how I should define or expand #2 in the MWE below to make TeX happily accept these useful features? Thanks a lot Benjamin \starttext \let\stopMyCommand\relax \tolerant\protected\def\startMyCommand[#1]#2\stopMyCommand{ Optional argument #1 Content #2 } \bf Here we test the command: Works \tf \startMyCommand[is optional] gets processed! \stopMyCommand \bf Here we test the block: Works \tf \defineblock[MyBlock] \beginMyBlock Block for something else. \endMyBlock \useblocks[MyBlock][criterium=text] \bf Here we test the block inside command: Fails \tf % UNCOMMENT BELOW FAILS: tex error > runaway error: end of file encountered % % \startMyCommand[is optional] % Still? % % \beginMyBlock % Block for something else. % \endMyBlock % \stopMyCommand \definebuffer[MyBuffer] \bf Here we test the buffer: Works \tf \startbuffer[MyBuffer] Buffer for something else. \stopbuffer \getbuffer[MyBuffer] \bf Here we test the buffer inside command: Fails \tf % UNCOMMENT BELOW FAILS: tex error > runaway error: end of file encountered % % \startMyCommand[is optional] % Still? % % \startbuffer[MyBuffer] % Buffer for something else. % \endbuffer % \stopMyCommand \stoptext