Just a quick off-topic note from a lurker...
You can saftely assume that anything you send to a mailing list sooner
or later might end up being indexed by a search engine. This is IMHO
a good thing. It brings solutions to more people.
If you don't like this, well, don't write anything, ever, to a public
mailing list.
In general, treat emails as postcards. Assume that everyone can read them.
On Fri, 17 Dec 2004 21:34:48 +0000, Dirar BOUGATEF
Hi Nikolai,
Thanks. Am really looking forward to have the invitation for GMail, cause actually, i was looking for one ...
My problem is not with spam .. Well not for the moment ..
I just don't want the robots to grab all the things i write, etc. and put it on their search engine ..
Thanks anyway ...
-- Andreas Kähäri 1024D/C2E163CB