Hi all, no real example, just snippets, sorry: I need to process xml documents in lua (because I want to collect information in tables). The structure is a bit irregular: <document> <chapter title="One"> <section title="One"> <subsection title="One"> Text </subsection> </section> </chapter> <chapter title="Two"> <subsection title="One"> Text </subsection> </chapter> </document> So chapters may or may not have sections. If, on the level of my subscetions, I want to extract the information of the chapter title, in a ConTeXt environment, I could say \xmlattribute{#1}{ancestor::chapter}{title}. How could I do the same in lua? I have something like xml.attribute(e, "../../chapter", "title", "") but that only works for the first case, not the second one. I tried to understand the lpegs in lxml-lpt.lua, but didn't succeed. Thanks, and best wishes Thomas