Dear list, I've been confronted with the following 'intriguing' formatting requirement for a document: " • Type density: Must be no more than 15 characters per linear inch (including characters and spaces). • Line spacing: Must be no more than six lines per vertical inch. " While the line spacing resolves in ConTeXt to \setupinterlinespace[line=\dimexpr(1in / 6)] I was wondering if one can limit "type density" as the number of glyphs per inch in TeX too? I thought, it is more convenient to rephrase this request (for a 7 in textwidth) to limit the number of glyphs per line to 112. (Font must be sans or serif, of course ...) I've tried \setuplayout[width=112\averagecharwidth] which, however, results in ~120–130 characters and spaces per line. Pragmatically, I'm narrowing the text width to empirically match the requirement, but I'm nevertheless curious if there is a Lua/TeX solution to this "problem"? Thank you! Benjamin