31 Jul
31 Jul
12:51 a.m.
On Mon, 31 Jul 2006, Hans Hagen wrote:
Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
Well, looks good, BUT if the chapter's name is quite long and needs a break then the break command used there (\crlf \break \\) can't work anymore ....
\setuphead[chapter] [command=\Sectioncommand, style=, textstyle=\bfb, numberstyle=\it]
\def\Sectioncommand#1#2% {\vbox \bgroup \framed[align=middle,frame=off,offset=0pt]{Chapter #1}% \framed[align=middle,frame=off,offset=0pt]{#2}% \egroup}
or something alike
You also need to specify width of the frame, otherwise width=fit is default and framed box does not appear to be middle aligned. Aditya