Dear posse, For this journal, I would like to have a description of the journal placed at the bottom of the first page of each article. This description gives the name of the journal, volume, year, publisher, and the range of pages over which the article spans. Here is what I came up with: \def\JSSlogo{\vbox {\noindent{\it \IJSS} {\bf 1} (2003) \at[#1]--\at[#2]}\\ \noindent\copyright{} 2003 {\it by Global Scholarly Publications}} \definelogo[ijss][footer][left][command=\JSSlogo] \setuphead[title][after={\placelogos[ijss]} This seems to work in regular ConTeXt, but is there a simpler way? In Gamma I have a problem: the \at[#1]--\at[#2] line does not work with \pagereference[]. Here is a test: ============ \starttext \at{}[test1]--\at{}[test2] \pagereference[test1] \dorecurse{10}{\input tufte \input knuth \par} \pagereference[test2] \stoptext ============= and the error: ============= ! Argument of \dodododoinatreference has an extra }. <inserted text> \par <to be read again> } \doifelsenothing #1->\edef \!!stringa {#1} \ifx \!!stringa \empty \expandafte... <argument> ...ce \ignorespaces \rightofreference } {\egroup \dosymbolreferenc... \doifreferencefoundelse ...ce \ifreferencefound #2 \else #3\fi \egroup \dores... \dododododoinatreference ...eference {#1}{#2}[#3]} \referentieinfo <{#3}\glob... ... l.3 \at{}[test1] --\at{}[test2] ? ============= it appears to work if press `q' and enter, but that's no way to run TeX... Idris