Huseyin Özoguz schrieb am 03.12.18 um 12:51:
Thanks and I may have questions to the actual question about interlinear typesetting later, will try to define some nice macros with arabic-german interlinear texts.
Before you write your own commands try to use what is available. If there is something missing existing commands can be extended and Hans is in many cases open to add new function to ConTeXt. \usemodule [database] % Source for the sample text: % https://interlinearbooks.com/blog/german-interlinear-translation-of-franz-ka... \startbuffer[sample] "Als","As" "Gregor","Gregor" "Samsa","Samsa" "eines","one" "Morgens","morning" "aus","from" "unruhigen","uneasy" "Träumen","dreams" "erwachte,","woke up," "fand","found" "er","he" "sich","himself" "in","in" "seinem","his" "Bett","bed" "zu","in" "einem","an" "ungeheuren","enormous" "Ungeziefer","kind of monstrous vermin" "verwandelt.","transformed." \stopbuffer \define[2]\InterlinearText {\ruby{#1}{#2} } \definedatabase [interlineartext] [quotechar={"}, command=\InterlinearText] \setupinterlinespace[line=6ex] \setupruby[voffset=-2.5ex] \starttext \processdatabasebuffer[interlineartext][sample] \stoptext Wolfgang