Hallo! I have a problem with indenting. The paragraph following the \placefigure is not indented and I find not any way to achieve this. The following testfile shows the situation: ---------------------------------------------- \setupfloats[indentnext=yes]% <--- Doesn't help! \setupfloat[figure][default={page,high,none}] \setupcaption[figure][number=no] \setupindenting[medium,yes,next] \starttext \dorecurse{2}{\input knuth\par} \placefigure{}{\framed[offset=none, width=\makeupwidth, height=\textheight]{figure}} \indenting[yes]% <--- Doesn't help! \indent {\bf Here!} % <--- Doesn't help! \dorecurse{3}{\input knuth\par} \stoptext ---------------------------------------------- I tryed the 'indentnext=yes' in \setupfloats but I don't know if that option should do what I want or if it has an other meaning. Wolfgang