Willi Egger via ntg-context schrieb am 16.07.2022 um 17:03:
I tried to setup a headertext in a context-lua-document. — No problem for the singlesided version, however hoe to pass the info for a double sided version? Unfortunately the cld-mkiv manual contains an example for a singlesided document.
It ried
context.setupheadertexts({ function() context("\\bf”) context.labeltext(monthname) context("\\hfill”) context(year) end}, {function() context("\\bf”) context.labeltext(monthname) context("\\hfill”) context(year) end})
but this is apparently not the good approach.
Does someone of you have experience how to do this correctly?
What is the desired layout/content for the header? You're using monthname and year in your example but do they come from, a proper minimal example can help here. Is it even necessary to set the header with Lua or can't you use a regular TeX file and load it afterwards as environment file when you process your document (context --environment=mystyle.tex mydocument.cld). Wolfgang