hi, As the title suggests, below my suggestions and questions %%%%%%%%%% \mainlanguage[cn] \language[cn] \starttext \section{Some suggestions about lang-txt} The words are aligned in my editor because of the font, but it's not perfectly aligned because of the browser. Sorry for that % % lang-txt.lua % language label current translation more common one % chinese intermezzi => 퉣 => 间奏曲 or 插曲 % japansese tables => 机 => 表 % % while logos means (principle?) % japanese logos => 理性 => 理法 or 理性 or 論理 % chinese logos => 徽标 => 理性 or 理念 % % while logos means logo,brand trademark % japanese logos => 理性 => ログ % chinese logos => 徽标 => 徽标 % japanese line => 線 => 行 % japanese lines => 線 => 行 % chinese pubs => 参考文献 % japanese pubs => 参考文献 % japanese section => {"第","項"} => {"第","節"} % japanese subsection => => {"第","項"} % %%% date related % % All Chinese months should be changed to Arabic numerals. % % Although month originally corresponded to a long name % % Because it is possible to switch to Chinese capital numbers % % in its entirety by argument “conversion”--> cn-d % % chinese january => 1 etc % %%%%%%%% % chinese monday:mnem => 一 % chinese tuesday:mnem => 二 % chinese thursday:mnem => 三 % chinese wednesday:mnem => 四 % chinese friday:mnem => 五 % chinese saturday:mnem => 六 % chinese sunday:mnem => 日 % %%%%%%%%% % japanese monday:mnem => 月 % japanese tuesday:mnem => 火 % japanese thursday:mnem => 水 % japanese wednesday:mnem => 木 % japanese friday:mnem => 金 % japanese saturday:mnem => 土 % japanese sunday:mnem => 日 % %%%%%%%% %%%%%%%% \section{Some questions} \definefontfamily[fangsong][rm][stfangsong][tf=style:regular] \setupbodyfont[fangsong]%can be changed to other CJK font In addition, I found that title's labeltext(chapter,section) in Chinese or japanese has been set in this file, but why is it not displayed by default? Please let me know if I'm missing anything to use correctly. I apologize for my carelessness % \chapter{Title} will show : 1 title % why not 第一章? % Do I have to set it up again via labeltext? \currentdate % show 2024 年 十月 24 日。 % This is confusing because the dates are mixed with different formats. % The format below may be more common \setuplanguage[cn] [date={year,年,mm,月,dd,日},] \currentdate % show 2024 年 10 月 24 日 \stoptext %%%%%% Muyik