Hi, On Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 07:30:51PM +0200, Saša Janiška wrote:
Russell Urquhart
writes: About a year ago i really got into Asciidoc, and use it at my work for technical writing.
What are your output formats?
For my work, i output to html and pdf.
For me, i had some Context files, that had, for example, footnotes, within footnotes, within footnots. This is very doable in Context. Asciidoc, currently, does not support this multiple levels of footnotes, so, as i expected, converting Context -> Asciidoc, was not able to do this.
Interesting…I also have need for footnotes within footnotes and hit that barrier with rst/markdown or some other non-AsciiDoc format recently. :-)
This is an example, imo, of the source format of your markup not havng a richness of your target format.
My suggestions would be, as you are going from asciidoc to Context, make sure that you are happy with what you can do in asciidoc. Context should be able to readily handle a conversion from Pandoc.
Well, considering that ConTeXt can do much more than AsciiDoc, maybe for regualr web content (blog posts, shorter articles etc.) I could simply use Markdown without even going to AsciiDoc which is interesting option only in case of being able to server as single-source format.
I had first started looking at Markdown, but then came to Asciidoc, as, imo, Asciidoc is a superset of Markdown. In my previous job, and some in my current job, there is a need to have tables that have cells that go across multiple rows and/or columns. Asciidoc supports this. (Mainly because DocBook support CALS tables.) Because of this, and all the other functionality, i manily use Asciidoc. With that said, when i want or need to have a fine typeset type book/manual, something that might requrie extensive footnotes, indexes, specialized page layouts, auto cross references, etc. AND i could not get that from Asciidoc, then i would create my source in either Context, Docbook, or LaTex. (I haven't used LaTex very much myself, but i know people who swear by it.) At my previous job, we did LARGE technical manuals, and we used a customized version of DocBook. When i was editing those books, we used Xmetal to edit the source XML. I really didn't care for that, so i used Vim with various xml plugins, to traverse and edit the xml. Now, as i use asciidoc, i still use Vim with syntax highlighting. I also use Asciidco FX as an Asciidoc previewer. From there i can also generate html and pdf. When i need more finely formatted pdf's (with cover pages, front matter, back matter, multiple chapters, etc.) then i use Asciidoc-fo pdf. I would also check out Pandoc to go to and from various output format! Hope that helps! Russ