On Wed, 2 Mar 2016, Nicola wrote:
On 2016-03-02 02:14:33 +0000, Aditya Mahajan said:
I do not load the default vimrc, because that drastically slows down the module.
That makes sense. So, Vim is run with something like `vim -u NONE`, I guess.
Yes. And if the vimrc option is used, then it is saved on file, and vim -u \vimrc_filename is run.
Instead, there is an option to create a specific vimrc using:
\startvimrc[name=pgsql] let g:sql_type_default='pgsql' \stopvimrc
and then
\definevimtyping[SQL][..., vimrc=pgsql, ...]
By default, the script searches everything in `runtimepath`. If your local vim folder is not in runtimepath, you can set the runtimepath in the vimrc above.
I had to set both runtimepath and nocompatible. Maybe this should be noted in the docs, or the module could run `vim -u NONE -N` (who needs compatible nowadays?). So, for future reference, this works:
I explicitly set compatible (but I don't remember why I did that anymore). This is the full command that is run: \def\vimtyping@filter_command {vim -u \vimrc_filename\space % read global config file % --startuptime log % -V3log -X % dont connect to X server -i NONE % dont use viminfo file --noplugin % dont load plugins -e % run in ex mode -s % silent -C % set compatible -n % no swap file -c "syntax manual" % don't load filetype detection -c "set syntax=\externalfilterparameter\c!syntax" % -c "set tabstop=\externalfilterparameter\c!tab" % % vim only accepts 10 -c commands, so we combine a few let statements -c "let contextstartline=\externalfilterparameter\c!start \letterbar\space % let contextstopline=\externalfilterparameter\c!stop \letterbar\space % let strip=\getvalue{\vimtyping@id-\c!strip-\externalfilterparameter\c!strip}" % -c "let escapecomments=\getvalue{\vimtyping@id-\c!escape-\externalfilterparameter\c!escape}" % -c "let highlight=[\externalfilterparameter\c!highlight]" % \vimrc_extras\space -c "source \vimtyping@script_name" % -c "qa" % \externalfilterinputfile\space \externalfilteroutputfile} I'll run my test suite with -N instead of -C. If everything works, I'll change to -N.
\startvimrc[name=pgsql] set nocompatible set runtimepath+=~/.vim/bundle/pgsql let g:sql_type_default='pgsql' % ... \stopvimrc
I will add a note to the docs about runtimepath. When I wrote the module, bundle was not popular, but it is the default now. Aditya