Am 23.02.2010 um 23:27 schrieb Hans Hagen:
On 23-2-2010 21:18, Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
The need is easily described:
\placelist[chapter, section,...][file=MyFile]
In old MkII times all information for a table of content was read from the ".tuo" file. For making manual changes in needed a way to define from *which* tuo file the placelist command reads its information: so I could copy the original tuo file, give it another name (MyFile) and define ...
.... thus each \placelist run would read from that paticular MyFile.tuo
The quoted code above was written by Hans to provide a way to implement a kind of \placelist[chapter, section,...][file=MyFile] in MkII.
the file= option will not come back, at least not soon, as we now have a completely different way of dealing with tables of contents (and actually all multipass data)
(ok, you can adapt copy the tuc file and replace the list table but as much more goes into the list it's no fun; also way more information goes into the lists and there are references to shared data that basically makes a no-go)
what we have already is a way to add userdata (which works if you use the structured \startchapter ... commands) and when placing a list you can use user entries; if you only need to replace a specific list entry you can do
I had a look in my tuc file and saw that a ... \writebetweenlist[EbeneNull] {\strut\vskip-28pt} ... is now rendered as ... { metadata=4, references={ internal=5, realpage=5, section=0, }, userdata={ command="\\strut \\vskip -28pt", }, } ... and that all my writebetweenlist instructions are now stored in such syntax one after the other. In the MkII past the tuo file itself was not nice readable, but one could easily identify the context of a writebetweenlist instruction. Perhaps I can also add comments to a writebetweenlist now? Can you some further example on how to use "userdata"? Thanks, Steffen