Thank you very much for your comments. I will take them in consideration and, along with others that are sent to me, I will prepare a version 1.5 of the guide. As my introduction, being written in Spanish, excludes many members from the list, from now on, and in order not to bore too much those who are not interested in this matter, I will answer the mails related to my introduction exclusively to the sender, and not to the list, unless I think the matter is of more general interest. Thank you all very much for the good reception of my introduction. I already said that it would certainly have errors, I am a beginner at ConTeXt. El 15/10/20 a las 23:25, Willi Egger escribió:
Good evening Joaquin,
first of all congratulations for your initiative, this is really an impressive piece of work!
Without wanting to critisize I think, that in general MKIV documents should be made up with \start”elment” … \stop”element”. This will be important for all those, who also need to produce xml.
I encountred two things in your book:
page 96 at the bottom. You write that the “height” is header + headerdistance + textheight + bottomdistance + bottom. This should be footerdistance and footer. — The graphic showing the areas however is correct.
page 139 at the top: \chapter[title=…,reference=..]. This should be \startchapter[title=…,reference=…] … \stopchapter
Again, thank you for all your work! — Sorry “no hablo Espaniol”…
Saludos cordiales
-- Joaquín Ataz López Derecho Civil Universidad de Murcia