29 Apr
29 Apr
2:35 p.m.
On Wed, 29 Apr 2009 12:24:01 +0200
Wolfgang Schuster
Am 29.04.2009 um 10:24 schrieb Hans Hagen:
I don't understand how to use \startchapter[]{} ... \stopchapter for my needs.
\startchapter[title=,reference=,bookmark=,...][optional user data]
is optional data in keyval form or normal text and who to use own values for author, date etc. in titles (which was possible in sectionworld)
The \startchapter does not exist in my MinimalContex installation, but I hope one can include it. Anyway: which is the best method to get the list of all params one can give to \startSOMETHING (in this case \startchapter and the meanings of this params (some are obvious : title= ..., but not all).