On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 4:48 PM, John Culleton
At least two commercial printers that I use prefer or insist on the format PDF X/1-a:2001 output "" We recommend using the `print' menu and choosing Adobe PDF as the print driver (instructional PDF on our website). The default conversion setting should be changed from `Standard' to `PDF/X-1a:2001' (recommended) or the `High Quality Print' setting. This will help to ensure that ALL fonts are embedded including Base 14 fonts. It is also important to change the PDF page size from 8.5"x 11" to the correct trim size you are using to print. If left at the default size of `Letter', your text block will center from left to right, but not top to bottomĀ causing your proof to print incorrectly and produce delays in receiving a correct proof. ""
`High Quality Print' is also ammissible https://www.lightningsource.com/ops/files/pod/LSI_FileCreationGuide.pdf -- luigi