Hi there, I encountered some problems with the built in units command in MKIV. I provide a minimal example which should demonstrate my problems. Maybe I am doing something wrong... Cheers, Andreas %%%%%MINIMAL EXAMPLE%%%%% \setupbodyfont[pagella] \starttext % this is just my default setting - if I comment the next line I get the same behaviour \setupunits[method=3,order=reverse,separator=small] \unit{11,1e-1 micro mol per second} \par %no effect if I change the separator (holds also for cdot) $\unit{11,1e-1 micro mol per second}$ \par %wrong spacing \unit{11,1e-1 per second} \par % one over is not working (no unit displayed) \unit{11,1e-1 / second} \par % one over not working (no unit displayed) \stoptext %%%%%MINIMAL EXAMPLE%%%%%