Karl: read the bottom of this email...
Hans: please update mtx-update.lua (attached)
On Tue, 28 Feb 2017 18:46:29 +0100
kaddour kardio
OpenBSD? is context standalone available for this platfrom ?
Yes! ...but Hans or Mojca need to update mtx-update.lua using the attached file. In the meantime, one can install using first-setup.sh 1) Run ./first-setup.sh The install *will* fail as "openbsd" is missing from bin/mtx-update.lua 2) Copy the attached version to $CONTEXTHOME/bin/ 3) Edit first-setup.sh to comment-out the rsync line 131 (otherwise it will overwrite the modified mtx-update.lua) 4) Run ./first-setup.sh It should now succeed! 5) If running context then fails to find its scripts, remake the formats. I use: mtxrun --selfupdate mtxrun --generate luatools --generate context --make Not all of these commands are probably necessary, but I run them all (in a script) whenever I need to remake the formats and caches. Once the garden gets updated, none of this should be necessary. A few warnings: I compiled luatex (that I upload to the garden) using openbsd 6.0 *snapshot*. Older versions of openbsd may fail due to shared library problems. If anyone encounters this, please let me know and I will work on a solution. Presently, I do not believe that openBSD is officially built for TeXlive. OpenBSD does provide texlive 2015 as packages, however. Alan