In https://wiki.contextgarden.net/Enumerations there is this example: %---------------------------------------------------------------- \setupwhitespace[big] \definesymbol[1][$\triangleright$] \startcolumns {\bf joinedup:} \par before \startitemize[joinedup] \item test \item test \stopitemize after \par {\bf nowhite:} \par before \startitemize[nowhite] \item test \item test \stopitemize after \par {\bf joinedup,nowhite:} \par before \startitemize[joinedup,nowhite] \item test \item test \stopitemize after \column {\bf joinedup,nowhite,before:} \par before \startitemize[joinedup,nowhite,before] \item test \item test \stopitemize after \par {\bf joinedup,nowhite,after:} \par before \startitemize[joinedup,nowhite,after] \item test \item test \stopitemize after \stopcolumns %---------------------------------------------------------------- In my test "joinedup" leaves whitespace before the first list item and after the last, but in the sample output there is no space. While someone (?) is thinking about that, my (extremely rudimentary!) tests also indicate that there is no need to use "joinedup" when you use "nowhite". Is this indeed the case (in which case the wiki page could use an edit) or are there case where both "joinedup" and "nowhite" are needed together (in which case the wiki page could stand a little more information). Thanks. Jim