Hraban, sounds excellent! OK, what I would dream of for the time being would be: ConTeXt treats a pair of even/odd pages like a unity. It would be ideal to have two input streams, maybe as \start ... \stop environments. \startevenpage text \stopevenpage \startoddpage text \stopoddpage It would be important to have commands like \breakevenpage and \breakoddpage that would insert a pagebreak without breaking the paragraph.* Both even and odd have their own set of footnotes. Both even and odd can have their own dimensions: \setupevenpage[. . .] \setupoddpage[. . .] see \setuplayout. Would that be possible? How hard would it be in ConTeXt? And is there anything in the source that I could look at to get things going? Best Thomas * I'm not sure if this is clear enough. What I want is XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX PAGEBREAK and not XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXX XXXXX On Mar 3, 2006, at 9:25 PM, Henning Hraban Ramm wrote:
Friendly as ever, Hans suggests that you write a sample/spec how you'd like to use this feature, so that he can think about some implementation himself.
E.g., would such help?:
\setupsynced[setup name][mode=pages, after=pagebreak, n=2] % n = (number of synced columns, think of more language versions to compare...; default=2) % mode = pages, columns (default=columns; pages only with n=2) % after = pagebreak, space, continue...? (what should we do with remaining space in column?) % footnotes = local, ...? (synced text needs its own set of footnote counters...) % frame, background etc.?
\startsynced[mysetup]% { greek text }% { german text } \stopsynced
This would be analogous to combinations, but could handle only single paragraphs, I guess. I don't think I need this feature, so it's your turn to propose a syntax!
Greetlings from Lake Constance! Hraban