On Sun, Aug 17, 2008 at 3:22 PM, Hans Hagen
Idris Samawi Hamid ادريس سماوي حامد wrote:
I am using a module -- non-distributed as far as I know -- created by Wolfgang. It provides grouped sectioning and footnotes:
a) Have you added support for grouped sectioning and footnotes in mkiv yet?
there are sectionworlds (core-swd) but i'm not sure if i will extend that in mkii (at some point i will freeze mkii in the sense that no new fundamental extensions will take place, only fixes and trivial extensions)
i'm working on a new sectioning mechanisms for mkiv (way more info to be carried around) but i need to make sure that it also provides proper downward compatibility (such mechanisms are rather interwoven with lists, numbering etc)
b) Does the above code seem safe for mkiv?
looks harmless enough to be safe
Do you want to criticise my code :-)
c) (For Wolfgang:) Has the above code been updated or extended etc. yet?
No, I never extended the code because I never used it myself.
i hav eno problems with grouped notes in the core, but it need to be done differently
- the proposed code assumes an already defined note
Right but there is no other way to do this in a module.
- best do this combined with the normal definition
so .. in core-not we then have:
.... .... \unexpanded\setvalue{\currentnote}{\setnote[#1]}% \unexpanded\setvalue{\currentnote\v!text}{\setnotetext[#1]}%
\unexpanded\setvalue{\e!start\currentnote}{\dodoubleempty\dostartcurrentnote[#1]}% \unexpanded\setvalue{\e!stop\currentnote}{dostopcurrentnote}} \setupnote[\currentnote][#2]}
\def\dostartcurrentnote[#1][#2]% {\setnote[#1][#2]\bgroup\ignorespaces}
\def\dostopcurrentnote {\removeunwantedspaces\egroup\noteparameter\c!next}