Sorry to insist but I cannot fix this problem.
Thanks for any help.
Le sam. 25 avr. 2020 à 00:13, Fabrice Couvreur
Hi, This macro was written by Otared and it works well unless I change the size of the font (see the second graph). How to correct this problem ? Thanks for your help. Fabrice
%%%% begin example
\usemodule[pgfplots] \pgfplotsset{compat=newest}
\startmidaligned \starttikzpicture \startaxis \addplot {x}; \node[above left] at (2,2) {\cscript{C}{f}}; \stopaxis \stoptikzpicture \stopmidaligned \blank \startmidaligned \switchtobodyfont[9pt] \starttikzpicture \startaxis \addplot {x}; \node[above left] at (2,2) {\cscript{C}{f}}; \stopaxis \stoptikzpicture \stopmidaligned
%%%%end example