1 Feb
1 Feb
1:27 p.m.
Am 28.01.2011 um 23:24 schrieb Florian Wobbe:
please consider the following minimal example:
\def\before{\dodoubleempty\dobefore}% \def\dobefore[#1][#2]{before}
\starttext \before[] after (should be: \before[]\ after without explicit \type{\ })\par \before[]after\par \before[][] after\par % this works \before[][]after\par \stoptext
How can I prevent gobbling the following space, when the second optional argument is not given (i.e. first line). The macro itself should not insert space if the command is followed by any other character (2nd and 4th line).
With the last beta this does no longer happen and the space after the missing arguments remains. Wolfgang