Am 07.03.10 17:59, schrieb Philipp Gesang:
* It is common in ConTeXt to also provide a \starttransliteration
... \stoptransliteration pair (but there is no requirement).
I noticed that and of course I would like to provide an environment but until now I had no luck implementing it; I'm stuck at the following:
\def\starttransliterate {% \bgroup\dostarttransliterate% }
\def\stoptransliterate {% \egroup \transliterate{% \getbuffer[trl]% }% }
\def\dostarttransliterate{% \dostartbuffer[trl][starttransliterate][stoptransliterate]% }
and the buffer content isn't expanded before it is passed to lua; adding \@EA at various places has no effect either.
\def\starttransliterate {\bgroup \dosingleempty\dostarttransliterate} \long\def\dostarttransliterate[#1]#2\stoptransliterate {\iffirstargument \setuptransliterate[#1]% \fi \translate[\TRLhyphenate]% \ctxlua{translit.transliterate("\TRLmode","\luaescapestring{#2}")}% \egroup} Wolfgang