The problem seems to be resolved. Thanks to everyone, especially Hans, Taco and Wolfgang for the fast fix (offlist)! After updating to ConTeXt ver: 2020.01.30 14:13 MKIV beta fmt: 2020.4.26 Helvetica Neue works with: ========================== \starttypescript [sans] [helvet] \setups[font:fallback:sans] \definefontsynonym [Sans] [file:Helvetica Neue.ttc(Helvetica Neue)] [features=default] \definefontsynonym [SansBold] [file:Helvetica Neue.ttc(Helvetica Neue Bold)] [features=default] \definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [file:Helvetica Neue.ttc(Helvetica Neue Italic)] [features=default] \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalic] [file:Helvetica Neue.ttc(Helvetica Neue Bold Italic)] [features=default] \stoptypescript \definetypeface [helvet] [ss] [sans] [helvet] [default] \setupbodyfont [helvet, 12pt] Optima works with: ================== \starttypescript [sans] [optima] \setups[font:fallback:sans] \definefontsynonym [Sans] [file:Optima.ttc(Optima Regular)] [features=default] \definefontsynonym [SansBold] [file:Optima.ttc(Optima Bold)] [features=default] \definefontsynonym [SansItalic] [file:Optima.ttc(Optima Italic)] [features=default] \definefontsynonym [SansBoldItalic] [file:Optima.ttc(Optima Bold Italic)] [features=default] \stoptypescript \definetypeface [optima] [ss] [sans] [optima] [default] \setupbodyfont [optima] \starttext \tf Upright, \bf Bold, \it Italic, \bi Bolditalic \stoptext Note 1: mtxrun --script fonts --list --all --pattern=helvetica etc. might still not display all variants correctly in the first place. Note 2: There are predefined typescripts for Mac OS in ConTeXt (type-imp-osx.mkiv) but the file needs a update/cleanup.
On 24 Apr 2020, at 12:14, Benjamin Buchmuller
wrote: Hi Hraban,
Thanks for the hint (and the proper fontfamily setup), I have forced reload ten times now from various accounts; the issue persists unfortunately.
This might confirm Taco‘s notion that there is some bug lmtx. I’m running macOS Catalina too, but as it worked with the standalone of Dec/Jan three days ago, I suspect it is not because of a new feature in the OS, but rather an old feature in mtxrun or elsewhere having disappeared.
On 24. Apr 2020, at 11:35, Henning Hraban Ramm
wrote: Am 24.04.2020 um 11:13 schrieb Benjamin Buchmuller
: Although this specific issue might have been solved meanwhile by the helpful suggestions of Wolfang, Thomas and others, I would like to point out that I have recently also encountered an odd behaviour of the mtxrun fontloader in the standalone, in which not all typefaces are available/properly identified.
(I’m sorry to hijack this thread if this is unrelated.)
Basically, when I load “Helvetica Neue”, I get instead of “regular/normal” always “light/italic”.
I have switched to heros for the meantime, but potentially there is some bug behind this. (My documents with the version from Dec/Jan worked fine.)
I recite my example from Wed:
ConTeXt ver: 2020.01.30 14:13 MKIV beta fmt: 2020.4.22 (LuaTeX 1.11.1)
and I’m running now into troubles with system font indexing:
mtxrun --script fonts --reload
locates fonts in macOS directories appropriately (*.afm fonts placed in .../tex/texmf-fonts are not found, but at the moment I don’t care too much), however it resolves only to a single font variant for *.ttc instead of all variants:
mtxrun --script fonts --list --all --pattern=helvetica
helvetica helvetica helveticalightoblique /System/Library/Fonts/Helvetica.ttc 6 helveticalightoblique helvetica helveticalightoblique /System/Library/Fonts/Helvetica.ttc 6 helveticaneuedeskinterfaceheavy helveticaneuedeskinterface helveticaneuedeskinterfaceheavy /System/Library/Fonts/HelveticaNeueDeskInterface.ttc 10 helveticaneuethinitalic helveticaneue helveticaneuethinitalic /System/Library/Fonts/HelveticaNeue.ttc 14
If the subfont is not listed, ConTeXt/mtxrun couldn’t find it and won’t find it regardless of your setup.
Try mtxrun --script fonts --reload --force maybe even twice or thrice and check again. (Unfortunately this is not reliable.)
I get the full list:
identifier familyname fontname filename subfont instances
helvetica helvetica helvetica /System/Library/Fonts/Helvetica.ttc 1 helveticaneueblack helveticaneue helveticaneuecondensedblack /System/Library/Fonts/HelveticaNeue.ttc 10 helveticaneuedeskinterfaceextrabold helveticaneuedeskinterface helveticaneuedeskinterfaceheavy /System/Library/Fonts/HelveticaNeueDeskInterface.ttc 10 helveticaneuedeskinterfaceextralight helveticaneuedeskinterface helveticaneuedeskinterfacethin /System/Library/Fonts/HelveticaNeueDeskInterface.ttc 8 helveticaneuedeskinterfacemedium helveticaneuedeskinterface helveticaneuedeskinterfacemediump4 /System/Library/Fonts/HelveticaNeueDeskInterface.ttc 5 helveticaneuedeskinterfacemediumitalic helveticaneuedeskinterface helveticaneuedeskinterfacemediumitalicp4 /System/Library/Fonts/HelveticaNeueDeskInterface.ttc 6 helveticaneuedeskinterfacenormal helveticaneuedeskinterface helveticaneuedeskinterfaceregular /System/Library/Fonts/HelveticaNeueDeskInterface.ttc 1 helveticaneueextralight helveticaneue helveticaneuethin /System/Library/Fonts/HelveticaNeue.ttc 13 helveticaneuenormal helveticaneue helveticaneue /System/Library/Fonts/HelveticaNeue.ttc 1 helveticaneueregular helveticaneue helveticaneue /System/Library/Fonts/HelveticaNeue.ttc 1 helveticanormal helvetica helvetica /System/Library/Fonts/Helvetica.ttc 1 helveticaregular helvetica helvetica /System/Library/Fonts/Helvetica.ttc 1
As a consequence, when I run
\definefontfamily[mainface][ss][Helvetica Neue] \setupbodyfont[mainface, 12pt, sans]
I get the light oblique variant instead of the regular one. I have tried to fix this via a
\definefontfamily[mainface][ss][Helvetica Neue][tf=style:normal]
tf=helveticaregular should work.
Best, Hraban