On Dec 2, 2005, at 4:42 PM, Tobias Burnus wrote:
LaTeX's german.sty and also ConTeXt provide "ck -> k-k "ll -> ll-l "ff ->ff-f (as in Bierde"ckel, Ro"lladen or Schi"ffahrt). Thank you, that was it!
Hmm, my Duden of 1996 writes in black "au|ßerst" (= new & established spelling), which is in line what I remember. But I see \showhyphens{äußerstenfalls} be wrongly hyphenated; according to Duden it should be: äu|ßersten|falls (new spelling: äu|ßers|ten|falls). TeX hyphenates here (with deo = established spelling) between the s and the t.
Yes, you're right again; I thought I remembered a rule that there should be no hyphenation in front of ß. But hyphenation between s-t is still there, and it shouldn't be in [deo]. Sorry we German- language-users have to bother everybody else with the mess we created. Thanks, and best Thomas