Hello, I tried ConTeXt a few years ago, then gave up on it because of its wordiness and verbosity. The 2006 article on creating AMSTeX output in ConTeXt at https://www.ntg.nl/maps/34/06.pdf shows exactly what I mean: the LaTeX commands are small and neat; the ConTeXt commands are not. However, I need now to use ConTeXt for accessibility tagging, so I'm prepared to give it another try. And this means converting some LaTeX documents into ConTeXt. Is there a better way than using pandoc? I ran a LaTeX document through pandoc, but the result is certainly not fully "ConTeXt compliant", and generates errors instead of compiling. I can get easily lost on the ConTeXt site: the documentation is there in plenty, but seems hard to search. The main problem for me is mathematics and alignment: not just for equations, but for matrices and arrays. What I'd love - if it exists - is a document showing how to rewrite LaTeX into ConTeXt. Something like the above document, which is now 14 years old. I also notice that much of the contextgarden wiki is outdated. For example, on the use of ConTeXt in MikTeX, we read "As of end of June 2011 MikTeX is still (or again) non-functional." I'm aware that all of this is the work of dedicated and unpaid volunteers, so this is not a complaint! Just an observation. Anyway, as I say, my main issues are converting LaTeX into ConTeXt. and dealing with mathematics. Any pointers would be gratefully received! Thanks, Alasdair -- https://numbersandshapes.net