On 12/2/2020 13:59, T. Kurt Bond wrote:
Here is a an example that sort of works, Variant 1:
\definefontfamily[english] [rm] [ebgaramond] [features={default, dlig=no}] \setupbodyfont[english,10pt] \starttext
Variant 1: Does this look like EBGaramond?
fi fl ffi ffl ct st \stoptext
However, it turns of *all* the ligatures.
Here is an example that works as expected, Variant 2:
\definefontfeature[english][dlig=no] \definefontfamily[ebgaramond] [rm] [EB Garamond] [features={default,english}] \setupbodyfont[ebgaramond,10pt]
Variant 2: Does this look like EBGaramond?
fi fl ffi ffl ct st \stoptext
It turns off just the ct and st ligatures.
I've attached the generated PDF files for both variants.
No, it turns off other ligatures as well, so is not a generally workable solution. (Try *fj* and *ſi*, for two examples.) -- Rik