Hi Adam, How do I have to interprete the brackets in the topic? Will there be also support for the polytonic Greek or are those glyphs not included in the Antykwa Torunska font-sets? - Can't comment on your question, sorry. Willi Adam Lindsay wrote:
Hey all.
Hans and I are working on sorting out the greek Antykwa Torunska font support, and I noticed in the existing files that there is a fairly minimal iso-8859-7 greek encoding already implemented (enco-grk).
Here's the question: does anyone encode their fonts using this? Is anyone so dependent on it that it would be a bad thing if it went away and was replaced with a (mostly) compatible new greek encoding (sort of iso-8859-7 married with TeXnANSI)?
Speak up now, because Hans is in a cut-out-the-legacy-crap mood... ;)