John R. Culleton wrote : I need to insert some example pages from one document into another. Both are 8.5 x 11.
As a low end user, I've tryed numerous solutions, those ones below are working in evey cases for me, hope same for you : inserting all the 25 pages of a 25 pages pdf : \getfiguredimensions[25pages.pdf] \dorecurse{\noffigurepages}{\externalfigure[25pages.pdf][width=\textwidth,height=\textheight,offset=-1cm][page=\recurselevel]} inserting one (the 16th) page of a 25 pages pdf : \getfiguredimensions[25pages.pdf] {\externalfigure[25pages.pdf] [width=\textwidth,height=\textheight,offset=-1cm][page=16]} -- Olivier TURLIER Formation & Métiers CRP La Rouguière 101 Bd des libérateurs 13367 MARSEILLE cedex 11 tel : 04 91 18 56 00 fax : 04 91 45 14 48