Hi folks & friends, I’d like to remind you to register for the current ConTeXt meeting (September 12–18 in Germany), we must close registration in about two weeks, and my list is still rather short. https://meeting.contextgarden.net/2022/ If you registered early and got only an error message from the form, please register again. And please don’t think you could avoid a registration because everyone knows you’ll come (except Hans). Otherwise it’s normal that you got no response from me (sorry!). We have no Covid restrictions in Germany any more, even if the incidences are high, except that you must wear a mask in trains and are asked to in some other places. I’d ask you to test yourself before traveling. It would be nice if you would register also for online attendance, just for my information. Since the regular online meetup would be during the conference, we will drop that. Looking forward to seeing you soon, Hraban