In article
Zhichu Chen
Well, my example is too simple. Actually, I was trying to draw a treble clef
If your goal is to draw a path with pens of varying width (kind of calligraphic strokes),'penpos' and 'penstroke' may be your friends (defined in plain.mp). This is what I've come out with by about 15 minutes of trial and error (disclaimer: this is my first attempt at using these macros beyond trying to draw a sans-serif 'l' - I'm not a designer at all): fill unitsquare scaled 12cm shifted (-6cm,-6cm) withcolor .625red; b = 2pt; % Default pen width w = 30mm; % Width of treble clef h = 100mm; % Height of treble clef % Specify breadth and angle of pen at keypoints: penpos 1 (0.5b, 30); penpos 1.5 (b, 15); penpos 2 (3b, 0); penpos 3 (5b, -90); penpos 4 (3b, -180); penpos 5 (b, 90); penpos 6 (5b,0); penpos 6.5 (4b, -30); penpos 7 (.5b, 0); penpos 8 (5b, 90); penpos 9 (3b, -180); penpos 10 (b, -180); % Fix x coords of keypoints x1=0; x1.5=1/2[x1,x2]; x5=x1=x3=x8; x10=1/2[x9,x1]; x7=1/2[x3,x4]; x4-x6=w; x1=1/2[x2,x4]; x3-x2=x2-x6; x9=1/2[x1,x2]; x6.5=1/2[x5,x6]; % Fix y coords of keypoints y1=0; y1.5=y1; y6=y2=y4=1/2[y3,y1]; y3-y1=y1-y5=1/10h; y5-y10=2(y3-y1); y8-y7=y3-y1; y9=y7; y8-y3=y3-y10; y6.5=1/2[y6,y7]; drawoptions (withcolor background); % Draw (an incomplete and ugly) treble clef penstroke z1e .. z1.5e .. z2e .. z3e .. z4e .. z5e .. z6e .. z6.5e .. z7e .. z8e .. z9e .. z10e; drawoptions(withcolor black); labels.lft(1,1.5,2,3,4,5,6,6.5,7,8,9,10); You must take special care never to cross the left and right edges of the pen. See The METAFONTbook for details and examples. Regards, Nicola