On 2014-04-19 04:55, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
\setuphead [section] [alternative=text, command=\SectionCommand, distance=0pt, insidesection={\blank[overlay]}]
\define[2]\SectionCommand {\inmargin{#1 -- #2}}
\input ward
\startitemize \item One \item Two \stopitemize
\starttabulate \NC Knuth \NC \input{knuth} \NC\NR \NC Tufte \NC \input{tufte} \NC\NR \stoptabulate
Thank you, Wolfgang. This works mostly, but not completely, for start/stop sectioning (not for classic sectioning). I do notice that there is still a problem with tabulations if you add a horizontal line (\HL or \FL) to the beginning of the table. New example, building on yours: \setuphead [section] [alternative=text, command=\SectionCommand, distance=0pt, insidesection={\blank[overlay]}] \define[2]\SectionCommand {\inmargin{#1 -- #2}} \setuplayout[backspace=4cm] \starttext \startsection[title={Okay with text here}] Text here \starttabulate \FL \NC Knuth \NC \input{knuth} \NC\NR \NC Tufte \NC \input{tufte} \NC\NR \stoptabulate \stopsection \startsection[title={Fails with no text}] \starttabulate \FL \NC Knuth \NC \input{knuth} \NC\NR \NC Tufte \NC \input{tufte} \NC\NR \stoptabulate \stopsection \stoptext -- RIk Kabel