Hello Sietse,
thank you for your proposal.
I guess that there is not a lack of options here.
However, my problem may be simpler than I had described in the
first place. I am not so much concerned with using a specific
slide layout (be it s-pre-05 or some fancy simple- or complexslide
layout), but whether I want to use ConTeXt at all...
... and as life is already complicated enough ;-), my decision
has more to do with usability and reliability than with the number
of options. I am a software developer for more than 20 years now,
so I know very well how easy it is to implement some
"bug in recently updated XYZ code" as Hans had diagnosed my
problem. But would it be possible to use ConTeXt without
having to care about bugs in updated code or broken links
between different modules...?
So before turning to additional modules with additional questions like...
- if I use simple- or complexslide , do I need to install the visualcounter-module before?
- if so, is there a clear documentation of the required modules?
... I wanted to see whether a rather simple example without
any additional module would work out of the box.
Well, it did partially... ;-)
Best wishes
Am 09.01.2013 um 17:01 schrieb Sietse Brouwer:
Hello Thomas,
Just to widen your options a bit: I have greatly enjoyed using the
\complexslides module by Aditya (and co?). I've attached an example
document, which shows inter alia how easy it is to override a design
component. (The fontscheme, in this case.)