Hello everybody, I'm new here. I just subscribed because I'm trying to
use LuaTeX / ConTeX Mark IV and i have some problems with it. I'm
running TeXlive 2008 installed from ArchLinux and I can't run 'context'
from the command line.
I'm following the instructions on the page
It says to first run 'context --make cont-en', and when I do that, I
MtxRun | error unable to identify cnf file
MtxRun | error unable to identify cnf file
MtxRun | no cnf files found (TEXMFCNF may not be set/known)
MtxRun | unknown script: context
After I figured out on the Internet how to set the environment variable
TEXMFCNF (I set it to '/usr/share/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf'), I only get:
MtxRun | unknown script: context
It seems mtxrun can't find the script mtx-context.lua. I lookad on the
Internet, but haven't found any useful information, but I noticed that
there was an environment variable I could set to make mtxrun more
MTX_INPUT_TRACE=3 context --make cont-en ~
MtxRun | ! using suffix based filetype: lua
MtxRun | ? blobpath asked: context.lua
MtxRun | ? filename: context.lua
MtxRun | - readable: ./context.lua
MtxRun | ! using suffix based filetype: lua
MtxRun | ? blobpath asked: mtx-context.lua
MtxRun | ? filename: mtx-context.lua
MtxRun | - readable: ./mtx-context.lua
MtxRun | ! using suffix based filetype: lua
MtxRun | ? blobpath asked: mtx-contexts.lua
MtxRun | ? filename: mtx-contexts.lua
MtxRun | - readable: ./mtx-contexts.lua
MtxRun | ! remembered: mtx-context.lua
MtxRun | unknown script: context
Obviously, the mtx-context.lua file is searched in the current
directory, which is my homedir. The file is in fact located at:
So I cd to that path, and un context again, I get:
MTX_INPUT_TRACE=3 context --make cont-en
MtxRun | ! using suffix based filetype: lua
MtxRun | ? blobpath asked: context.lua
MtxRun | ? filename: context.lua
MtxRun | - readable: ./context.lua
MtxRun | ! using suffix based filetype: lua
MtxRun | ? blobpath asked: mtx-context.lua
MtxRun | ? filename: mtx-context.lua
MtxRun | + readable: ./mtx-context.lua
MtxRun | = found by scanning: ./mtx-context.lua
LuaTools | ! using suffix based filetype: tex
LuaTools | ? filename: cont-en.tex
LuaTools | ? filetype: tex
LuaTools | ? wanted files: cont-en.tex
LuaTools | - readable: cont-en.tex
LuaTools | ? blobpath asked: cont-en.tex
LuaTools | no tex file with name cont-en.tex
LuaTools |
LuaTools | runtime: 0.019 seconds
MtxRun | running command: luatools --make --compile cont-en
MtxRun | total runtime: 0.047
Well, it seems cont-en.tex cannot be found either. It is located
at '/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/cont-en.tex'.
How could I fix my paths?
Except for TEXMFCNF, there is No TEX* environment variable defined:
env | grep TEX
Thanks for any help.
Mildred Ki'Lya
╭───────── mildred593@online.fr ──────────
│ Jabber, GoogleTalk: