Could as well be a luatex backend problem so I have to discuss it with Taco and Hartmut.
Hi Hans, Thanks for looking into this further. I have tried to drill down the effect being switchable through \setupfootertexts here are my results. In the example below, I get (with the stress about the latest update, I refrained, running: LuaTeX, Version beta-0.60.2-2010070117; ConTeXt ver: 2010.07.27 16:30) I can switch/influence the horizontal collapse by (this is not a series of steps, each statement assumes starting with the example as given): -- as given, the lines collapse. -- en-/disabling \sc makes problem switchable -- en-/disabling \setupfootertexts, problem switchable, however, once \setuppagenumbering is commented out, this does not work anymore. The error stays permanently. -- enabling "\input tufte" in front of the \sc line causes the problem to appear permanently now. -- adding more tuftes before or after shifts the problem either way. But now the permutation of cases gets a bit much... % protusion \definefontfeature [default][default][protrusion=quality,expansion=quality] \setupalign[hz,hanging] \setupfootertexts[chapter][pagenumber] \setuppagenumbering [location=] \usetypescript[palatino] \setupbodyfont[times,12pt] \starttext %\input tufte %\dorecurse {5}{\input tufte} {\sc Die Exposition der Frage} Notwendigkeit, Struktur und Vorrang der Frage \section {Wiederholung der Frage} \dorecurse {5}{\input tufte} \stoptext