Hi there, My university has special requirements for the theses I submit. Layout, fonts etc. are pretty straightforward to set up in ConTeXt. The one part I'm struggling with is citations / bibliography. I have to use the german citation style with footnotes. Essentially the first time I cite something, I have to put the full entry in a footnote. From the second time on, I only have to put a shorter entry in the footnotes. I have two problems: 1. I created the publ-imp-deu.lua and publ-imp-deu.mkvi files. If I put them into the ~/bin/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/ directory, I get the following two lines in the log: ``` publications > unknown library 'deu' publications > no data definition file 'publ-imp-deu.lua' for 'deu' ``` If I put them into the directory where my thesis is, they seem to get recognized, but I would very much like to reuse them and not have to copy them to each project directory. What am I doing wrong? 2. Entries in the bibliography and fist time citations must have 'normal' authorconversion, while consequent citations must have 'normalshort'. For consequent citations I defined the 'authortitle' alternative. In the thesis I have: ``` \usebtxdataset[default][literature.bib] \usebtxdefinitions[deu] \setupbtx[deu] ``` A snippet from the publ-imp-deu.mkvi: ``` \definebtx [deu:list] [deu] [authorconversion=normal] \definebtx [deu:cite] [deu] [authorconversion=normalshort, alternative=authortitle] \startsetups btx:deu:list:book {\sc \btxflush{author}}\btxcolon \btxflush{title} \btxdoif{subtitle}{\btxperiod\btxflush{subtitle}}\btxperiod \btxflush{address}\btxcolon \btxflush{publisher} \btxflush{year} \btxdoif{series}{ (\btxflush{series} \btxflush{volume})}\btxperiod \stopsetups ``` In the setup and definition, the fields I defined do get into the citation correctly, but the authorconversion remains 'normal'. If I comment out the lines which set up 'normal' authorconversion for the list, everything, including the bibliography and 'entry' type citations get 'normalshort'. Is that a bug or am I missing something? Thank you, Agoston