Hi Taco, if the authors name is Müller, Möller or Dobe\v{s} (german/czech) ^ ^ ^^^^^ \cite[author][keys] produce an error: ! Missing number, treated as zero. <to be read again> \let \dobuildtextaccent ... \char \normalaccent #1\let \char \normalchar #2} \AU ->Dobe\dobuildtextaccent \char 2 0 s \ixfirstcommand ->{\AU } \dodobibauthoryear ...counter = 1 \ixfirstcommand \else \ifnum \scratchcount... \next1 #1,->\dodobibauthoryear {#1} \doprocesscommaitem ... l.61 ...BESETZUNG] It seems to be the same problem I had in the past with seeindex, which Hans has fixed. thanks for help Bernd \startpublication[k=BESETZUNG,t=article, a={Dobe\v{s}},y=1987c, n=13,s=Dob87c] \artauthor[]{Vladim\'{i}r}[V.]{}{Dobe\v{s}} \pubyear{1987\maybeyear{c}} \arttitle{N\v{e}meck\'{a} akupace m\v{e}ste\v{c}ka trn\'{a}vky a 2. sv\v{e}tov\'{a} v\'{a}lka} \journal{Trnav\'{a}\v{c}ek Zpravodj MNV a JZD M\'{i}r M\v{e}ste\v{c}ko Trn\'{a}vka} \issue{3} \pages{31-36} \month{August} \note{{\it Deutsche Besetzung von Markt Türnau und 2.~Weltkrieg}. \uebers\ u. \jkg} \stoppublication